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༉‧₊˚✧ ... fruitier than a fruit salad . . .

cariatide why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and cry over a tv show. (2025)
soel books (25.)
christina quotes (phrase that reveal intentions )
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elle tori
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humi ꜱᴀᴡʏᴇʀ
hyena 알바
iana words

❁ - about favorite person ☆ - about eating disorders

  • pink smoke the scary jokes ⋆ your aura almost drowns me like a deadly perfume ⋆ i’m choking on your memory, it feels my chest ⋆ i lose my breath thinking about you ⋆ i’m trying to get by without you but the air is full of ash ⋆ when i say your name my heart goes up in flames
  • liability lorde ⋆ they say you’re a little much for me, you’re a liability ⋆ the truth is I am a toy that people enjoy til all of the tricks don’t work anymore and then they are bored of me ⋆ i know that it’s exciting running through the night, but every perfect summer’s eating me alive until you’re gone ⋆ they’re gonna watch me disappear into the sun, you’re all gonna watch me disappear into the sun
  • writer in the dark lorde ⋆ now she’s gonna play and sing and lock you in her heart ⋆ i am my mother’s child, i’ll love you ‘til my breathing stops i’ll love you ‘til you call the cops on me ⋆ but in our darkest hours, I stumbled on a secret power I’ll find a way to be without you, babe
  • insomnia humming urban stereo ⋆ taking a nap all day long but i just can’t feel free ⋆ there’s no hope there’s no despair only the anger remained into my heart ⋆ i’m hiding myself from you ⋆ i hate myself who can’t stop loving you ⋆ i feel so stupid because i’m still in love with you ⋆ fall over precipice, but there’s no one can rescue me ⋆ my heart has broken two pieces ⋆ i can’t love you anymore ⋆ it’s hard for me to go on my life without you ⋆ i’m suffering from insomnia ⋆ i’m dying day and day
  • honeybee steam powered giraffe ⋆ your eyes still haunt me to this day ⋆ you didn't have to say my name ignite my circuits and start a flame, but you did ⋆ you didn't have to smile at me, your grin's the sweetest that I've ever seen
  • you could be happy snow patrol ⋆ but you weren't happy the day I watched you go, and all the things that I wished I had not said are played on loops till it's madness in my head ⋆ you could be happy i hope you are, you made me happier than I'd been by far ⋆ somehow everything I own smells of you
  • perfection oh land ⋆ i will follow you, you will be my main direction ⋆ everything you do is a gem in my collection ⋆ and who would have thought that she could leave someone like you? ⋆ she left a part of herself ⋆ how her restless mind keeps her up in the night
  • my head hurts wavves ⋆ i can't concentrate, my brain's damaged over you, but my head hurts, and without you its worse ⋆ i want you to take shoot me deeply into your veins, i want you to come breathe me deeply into your lungs, suffocating on my own, you’re killing me
  • tonight you belong to me patience & prudance ⋆ i know you belong to somebody new, but tonight you belong to me ⋆ although we're apart, you're part of my heart
  • tear you apar she wants revenge ⋆ obsess about it heavy for the next two days ⋆ it’s only just a crush, it’ll go away, it’s just like all the others it’ll go away or maybe this is danger and you just don’t know, you pray it all away, but it continues to grow
  • wicked game chris isaak ⋆ the world is on fire and no one can save me but you ⋆ i’d never dream that I’d meet somebody like you, I’d never dream that I’d lose somebody like you ⋆ no I don’t want to fall in love this world is only gonna break your heart ⋆ what a wicked game to play to make me feel this way, what a wicked game to do to make me dream of you
  • hostage billie eilish ⋆ i wanna steal your soul and hide you in my treasure chest, and let me crawl inside your veins ⋆ gold on your fingertips, fingertips against my cheek
  • iris goo goo dolls ⋆ you’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be, and I don’t want to go home right now ⋆ and I don’t want the world to see me k‘cause I don’t think that they’d understand ⋆ yeah you bleed just to know you’re alive
  • oleander mother mother ⋆ and if you leave me, rest assured it would kill me
  • monster meg myers ⋆ my love too much, your love not enough
  • heart heart head meg myers ⋆ you’re in my heart, in my heart, in my head
  • the nicest thing kate nash ⋆ all I know is that you’re so nice ⋆ you’re the nicest thing I’ve seen, I wish I was your favorite girl, I wish you thought I was the reason you are in the world, I wish my smile was your favorite kind of smile, I wish the way I dressed was your favorite kind of style, I wish you’d hold my hand when I was upset, I wish you’d never forge the look on my face when we first met ⋆ basically, I wish that you loved me I wish that you needed me I wish that without me your heart would break I wish that without me you’d be spending the rest of your night awake I wish I was the last thing on your mind before you went to sleep
  • up all night best coast ⋆ where I live and where you live are not the same ⋆ I don’t know what day it is because I’ve been up all night ⋆ I want to see you forever and ever
  • I want you summer camp ⋆ I’d chain our fists together, so that you could never leave ⋆ I’d make you love me so much you’d have to ask permission to breathe ⋆ I think about you all the time, it’s driving me out of my mind
  • I want you so bad I can’t breathe OK go ⋆ I want you, yeah I want you bad, so bad I can’t think straight, so bad I can’t breathe, so bad all my bones shake
  • love to death mother mother ⋆ love enough and you’ll love to death, it is a hazy pain, yeah ⋆ love enough and you’ll run out of breath you’ll need a respirator
  • bones in this moment ⋆ I’ve been waiting by my grave waiting for you to rescue me, my love there’s just something about you appease the addict in me you are my god, you are my soul, you are my savior, and i can’t exist without you, you are my drug, my miracle, you are my cure, i’m dying here without you
  • my heart with you by the rescues ⋆ waited a hundred years to see your face, and I would wait a hundred more if only to be near you, to have you and to hear you ⋆ but you're still the greatest treasure I've held in my hands ⋆ you're etched upon my mind, for not a million soldiers could take you from me
  • wish that you were here florence + the machine ⋆ some feelings, they can travel too ⋆ oh there it is again, sitting on my chest makes it hard to catch my breath ⋆ you're always on my mind, but even closer to you, you seem so very far tells you that I miss you and I wish that you were here
  • the night we met lord huron ⋆ take me back to the night we met ⋆ and then I can tell myself what the hell I'm supposed to do, and then I can tell myself not to ride along with you haunted by the ghost of you
  • be your shadow the wombats ⋆ I've tried my best, best to forget, but I can't, I can't, I can't ⋆ I tried my best to move along, but I can't, I can't, I can't
  • it’s okay land of talk ⋆ I'll wait up for that noise, your voice becomes my home ⋆ I'll never tell you, but you're my little scar ⋆ goodbyes are hard and they're hard and they're hard
  • 21 questions waterparks ⋆ my mood's dictated by our conversations and if you don't text I get too frustrated ⋆ I want you all to myself this time
  • here with me susie sue ⋆ there was a reason I collided into you ⋆ calling your name in the midnight hour, reaching for you from the endless dream, so many miles between us now, but you are always here with me ⋆ mobody knows why nobody knows how and this feeling begins just like a spark tossing and turning inside of your heart
  • lullabies yuna ⋆ like lullabies you are, forever in my mind ⋆ I see you in all the pieces in my life ⋆ though you weren't mine, you were my first love
  • stalker’s tango autoheart ⋆ •ove me-love me-love me, more than you possibly can ⋆ it's not that complicated ⋆ no matter what they say, you'll never meet another me, I'll never meet another you
  • flawless the neighborhood ⋆ you're a doll, you are flawless, but I just can't wait for love to destroy us ⋆ the only flaw, you are flawless
  • best part daniel caesar ⋆ you're the coffee that I need in the morning, you're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring ⋆ won't you give yourself to me ⋆ you're my water when I'm stuck in the desert, you're the Tylenol I take when my head hurts you're the sunshine on my life
  • you’re gonna live forever in me john mayer ⋆ but you're gonna live forever in me I'll guarantee, just wait and see
  • dreaming with a broken heart john mayer ⋆ when you're dreaming with a broken heart, the waking up is the hardest part you roll outta bed and down onto your knees and for a moment you can hardly breathe, wondering was she really here? is she standing in my room, no she's not, 'cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone...
  • love like this kodaline ⋆ you shine like silver in the sunlight you light up my whole heart it feels like in the sun, the sun, but wait, but wait, but wait ⋆ the sun will stop shining soon and you'll be gone from my life, yeah, you'll be gone, it's as simple as a change of heart
  • sink brand new ⋆ I don’t want to let you go, but it hurts my hands to hold the rope
  • ❁ ☆ emotional anorexic svavar knutur ⋆ I long for your touch and I miss you so much and the silence has turned me to shreds ⋆ but even in longing, I still feel the pronging of misery’s poisonous claws ⋆ when in your perfection I catch my reflection and in it my numerous flaws ⋆ you know I love you with all of my heart ⋆ you’re brave and you’re strong, I am timid and wrong, you’re a diamond and I am but a coal, you’re the moon and the stars, I am ashed and tar, you’re a nightingale I am a mole ⋆ please, come back to me
  • ❁ ☆ creep radiohead ⋆ couldn’t look you in the eye ⋆ you’re just like an angel, your skin makes me cry ⋆ you float like a feather in a beautiful world ⋆ I wish I was special, you’re so fuckin’ special ⋆ but I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo ⋆ what the hell am I doin’ here? I don’t belong here ⋆ I don’t care if it hurts I wanna have control, I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul, I want you to notice
  • ❁ ☆ i the the way polly scattergood ⋆ he said “Girl, you’ve got a million different faces, so why’d you put on that disguise?” ⋆ pass me some pills, I’ll go toss, but, however much I toss and turn I feel a dark place up ahead ⋆ I hate the way I tremble when you touch me ⋆ you’re like a needle slowly piercing my skin ⋆ I hate the way my stomach aches ⋆ maybe if I skip my dinner, make myself pretty and thinner ⋆ you cannot break someone who’s just been broken
  • someone I once knew dead celebrity status ⋆ she wasn’t born anorexic, but nowadays she suffers ⋆ she only weighs 90 pounds but still sucks in her stomach ⋆ on the inside she’s dying, lying to herself thinking 5 more pounds won’t jeopardize my health ⋆ one day she might collapse, she can’t avoid it ⋆ too many sleepless night spent bent over a toilet spewing vomit, like she was an alcoholic ⋆ hasn’t eaten in weeks, drinks water by the heaps ⋆ now she looks like the skeleton she sees in her closet ⋆ so close to death she can taste it, body looks wasted ⋆ hates life, hates you hates the way she looks naked thinking maybe this world’s better off without me ⋆ I’m so sorry for all that I’ve done, I’m so sorry for who I’ve become
  • the smile underneath elysian soul ⋆ you think that you're no good bcause you don't weigh seven stone ⋆ the nights feel even longer with these voices in your head keeping your eyes open as you starve upon your bed, but your parents they pray everyday and hope you realize the truth in your reflection and the loss within your eyes ⋆ oh little girl now skin and bone a slave to Ana's voice ⋆ lying in the psyche ward ⋆ life can be so beautiful when you learn to love again, there's so much more depth to the world than dying to be thin
  • sticks and stones and bones elysiansoul ⋆ the beauty that I see in sticks and stones and bones ⋆ true perfection is the cure ⋆ my mouth it does not eat ⋆ with Ana’s gentle sigh I consent myself to die
  • decadence and disorder elysiansoul ⋆ I promise darling, stick with me! I’ll steer you clear of greed ⋆ now stick your fingers down your throat and vomit ‘til you bleed ⋆ my love, if you obey my rules, I’ll see that you prevail ⋆ Abandon those who care for you, I’ll love you like no other
  • invisible skylar grey ⋆ I take these pills to make me thin, I dye my hair and cut my skin ⋆ here, inside my quiet heart you cannot hear, my cries for help ⋆ I tried everything to make them see me, but everyone, sees what I can’t be
  • courage superchick ⋆ I told another lie today and I got through this day no one saw through my games ⋆ I know the right words to say, like “I don’t feel well”, “I ate before I came” ⋆ then someone tells me how good I look and for a moment, for a moment I am happy, but when I am alone, no one hears me cry
  • skinny edith backlund ⋆ mirror, mirror on the wall ruthless to your victim ⋆ suiting you becomes my love ⋆ tied to my reflection ⋆ hunger takes a hold of me, making my decisions ⋆ hididing in my baggy jeans no one knows my secret ⋆ a slave to my reflection
  • numbers pompeii ⋆ I’ve seen those nights where you binge and purge, those locks on your door tell me when you’re crouched on all fours ⋆ it’s just a diet, I’ve kept it quiet ⋆ my problems hide in numbers that leave when i gag and heave
  • she’s falling apart lisa loeb ⋆ she stares at the food on her plate, at the toast and the butter ⋆ and even though nobody’s looking, she’s falling apart ⋆ there’s nothing inside her, he’s weak and she’s tired of feeling this way ⋆ they call her for dinner, she makes up a reason, she looks at her arms and she rolls down her sleeves and her mother is starting to see through her lies
  • starving for attention geri karlstrom ⋆ bones are beautiful ⋆ my drug of choice ⋆ striving for perfection ⋆ too much on my plate things that I can’t face ⋆ the mirror tells lies and says I’m ugly ⋆ I cut my skin it takes a knife to find me I can’t make me feel, so now I have to bleed ⋆ hungry empty lost in her pain ⋆ she can’t tell you, so she slowly fades away
  • never good enough rachel ferguson ⋆ starving for perfection, hating her reflection
  • bleed like me garbage ⋆ she starves herself to rid herself of sin,and the kick is so divine when she sees bones beneath her skin ⋆ doodle takes dad’s scissors to her skin, and when she does relief comes setting in ⋆ while she hides the scars she’s making underneath her pretty clothes, she sings: hey baby can you bleed like me?
  • the fear lily alen ⋆ and I’ll look in the mirror I’m on the right track , yeah I’m onto a winner ⋆ I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore, and I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore ⋆ and everything’s cool as long as I’m getting thinner
  • self-fulfilling prophecy maria mena ⋆ self hatred grows in me like cancer, I can’t locate its whereabouts, but it’s feeding on its host ⋆ this hunger grows in me like a tumor, but every pound I shed speaks volumes of my lack of self control ⋆ I swear to you, I’ll never eat again
  • cause and effect maria mena ⋆ I can’t laugh too hard, I’m on a diet ⋆ just starve for six days straight ⋆ I binge and I barf, ‘cause I carry the scars of an eight-year-old ⋆ I think you’ll leave me soon though I’ve no proof of it, but I’ll make it easier for you by being a little bitch
  • eyesore maria mena ⋆ the ugly naked truth she starves me of my youth ⋆ I swear it’s not by choice, but Ana has this voice, and it calms me down, it gives me purpose
  • paper bag fiona apple ⋆ hunger hurts, but starving works
  • i go hungry mother mother ⋆ I got a date on friday not gonna eat anything 'til then ⋆ I’m gonna look so skinny she’ll wanna feel my bones against her skin
  • oh ana mother mother ⋆ slit my wrists and watch the blood evaporate ⋆ oh, ana, I’ll be with you still, you are the angel that I couldn’t kill
  • teen idle marina & the diamonds ⋆ I wanna stay inside all day I want the world to go away ⋆ I want blood, guts and chocolate cake ⋆ I’m gonna puke it anyway ⋆ feeling super, super, super suicidal
  • immortal marina & the diamonds ⋆ I wanna live forever, forever in your heart ⋆ and we’ll always be together from the end to the star
  • this is the day the the ⋆ but the side of you they’ll never see is when you’re left alone with the memories that hold your life together like glue
  • anxiety ladyhawke ⋆ I take a pill to help me through the day ⋆ I stay inside untill I feel okay ⋆ I’ve always been so cautious, but I’m sick of feeling nauseous ⋆ show me how to hide the voice in my head
  • borderline tove styrke ⋆ I’m borderline happy, and I’m borderline sad, I’m borderline good, and I’m borderline bad ⋆ and I can’t get rid of a tingling fear
  • chaos tove styrke ⋆ chaos, you’ve been my friend for quite a while ⋆ anger, you’ve been around for quite some time
  • shine parov stelar ⋆ felling high, feeling low ⋆ been in hell, been above ⋆ cried for help, cried for love
  • i feel it all feist ⋆ I feel it all, I feel it all ⋆ oh I’ll be the one who’ll break my heart, I’ll be the one to hold the gun
  • breathe me sia ⋆ help, I have done it again, I have been here many times before ⋆ hurt myself again today, and the worst part is there’s no one else to blame ⋆ ouch, I have lost myself again ⋆ lost myself and I am nowhere to be found ⋆ yeah, I think that I might break ⋆ lost myself again and I feel unsafe
  • i’m in here sia ⋆ I’m in here ⋆ can anybody see me? can anybody help? can’t you hear my call? are you coming to get me now? ⋆ I’ve been waiting for you to come rescue me, I need you to hold all of the sadness I can not living inside of me ⋆ I’m in here, I’m calling out but you can’t hear ⋆ I’m crying out, I’m breaking down, I am fearing it all stuck inside these walls ⋆ tell me there is hope for me
  • fix you coldplay ⋆ when you try your best but you don’t succeed ⋆ when you feel so tired but you can’t sleep ⋆ when the tears come streaming down your face ⋆ when you lose something you can't replace ⋆ when you’re too in love to let it go
  • low coldplay ⋆ you see the world in black and white, no colour or light ⋆ you see no meaning to your life
  • shots imagine dragons ⋆ I’m sorry for everything, oh, everything I’ve done ⋆ from the second that I was born, it seems I have a loaded gun ⋆ and then I shot, shot, shot a hole through everything I loved
  • every single night fiona apple ⋆ every single night’s a fight with my brain
  • girl anachronism the dresden dolls ⋆ you can tell from the scars on my arms and the cracks in my hips and the dents in my car and the blisters on my lips that I’m not the carefullest of girls ⋆ don’t call the doctors ‘cause they’ve seen it all before , they’ll just say let her crash and burn, she’ll learn, the attention just encourages her
  • a better son/daughter rilo kiley ⋆ sometimes in the morning I am petrified and can’t move, awake, but cannot open my eyes ⋆ and the weight is crushing down on my lungs, I know I can't breathe ⋆ and hope someone will save me this time ⋆ and sometimes when you’re on, you’re really fucking on, and your friends they sing along and they love you, but the lows are so extreme that the good seems fucking cheap
  • hotel meg myers ⋆ and I can’t stop this pain, it only grows ⋆tell me why I always feel alone ⋆ I wanna love, wanna live, wanna breathe, wanna give, but it’s hard and it’s dark and I’m falling apart
  • eight easy steps alanis ⋆ how to stay paralyzed by fear of abandonment ⋆ how to control someone to be a carbon copy of you ⋆ how to have that not work and have them run away from you ⋆ how to keep people at arm’s length and never get too close ⋆ how to mistrust the ones you supposedly love the most ⋆ how to pretend you’re fine and don’t need help from anyone ⋆ how to keep smiling when you’re thinking of killing yourself
  • xanax elohim ⋆ I woke up to a heart attack ⋆ no I'm just being dramatic ⋆ it's this massive panic, that's fueling my heart rate ⋆ I don't wanna be dependent on synthetic medicine, that keeps me calm enough to sleep, but kills me softly when I'm weak
  • hallucinating elohim ⋆ daily life feels like a constant dream ⋆ I keep on tripping out ⋆ aye, why am I such a freak? ⋆ I don't know why that painting's staring back at me ⋆ I swear, I think its eyes just moved
sep 26 2018 ∞
nov 9 2018 +